Mauri Tau
Artist: Christina Hurihia Wirihana
Iwi: Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Raukawa, Ngaati Whaawhaakia, Tainui/Waikato, Ngaati Pikiao, Ngaati Rangiunuora, Te Arawa
Material: Harakeke (flax)
The ceiling of the Departure and Arrival lobby is draped with woven Harakeke (flax) panels known as Tuurapa (look up as you arrive or depart!) More often, Tuurapa are traditionally inside Wharenui (Maaori meeting houses), these Tuurapa hold the sentiments of welcome, comfort and respect.
Each panel was created by individual strands of Harakeke (flax), harvested by Maatanga (experts) and tauira (students) and woven using taki-tahi (one strand laid over another).
The Tuurupa in this context promotes calm and relaxation, warmth and welcome, and a safe journey.
A key feature of the work is the natural colour palette of the Harakeke (flax) that brings a light and bright feeling to the space.

Artist: Christina Hurihia Wirihana
Iwi: Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Raukawa, Ngaati Whaawhaakia, Tainui/Waikato, Ngaati Pikiao, Ngaati Rangiunuora, Te Arawa
Christina is a highly respected senior weaver/artist, acclaimed in Aotearoa and internationally for her weaving which incorporates tradition and innovation.
Christina’s weaving explores the natural qualities of her materials and the inherent features of the weaving processes. Fibres such as houhi (lacebark), harakeke (flax), kiekie (climber), & pīngao (sedge) feature in her work along with natural dyes. Modern materials such as perspex and wire are sometimes incorporated, whilst still respecting the traditional techniques of her tupuna. This blend of old and new drives the innovation and deliberate thinking behind her work and helps to facilitate the future direction of the medium.